Saturday, December 21, 2013

Black-and-white warbler makes an appearance

We spent only a few hours walking through Golden Gate park, but found a very special bird in a short amount of time. This was a beautiful striped bird crawling along a branch by Stow lake, picking up ants. At first we thought it was a nut-hatch. These birds only make very special appearances in California, especially during the winter, so we were especially lucky!

yummy! ants.

showing off the stripes

sitting pretty on the moss

It was otherwise a beautiful, sunny December day in the park. We were also treated to blooming Magnolia flowers.

A turtle friend says hello.
Other birds we saw today included many red-tailed hawks, robins and the usual, along with some new sights for us. Winter has been such an exciting time birding in the Bay area because of all the migratory birds.
Red-Napped Sapsucker

Mew Gull

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Don Edwards Regional Park

Industy and Salt Ponds

This weekend we went to the Don Edwards Regional Park in Fremont, CA. It was a relatively easy drive to the east bay south of Hayward. The town looks industrial, with many commercial warehouses. As soon as we got over to the bridge leading into the park, there were waterfowl and egrets flying overhead and densely packed in the salt lakes. Plus, it was a warm Saturday morning in November and a welcome change in the weather from the foggy city. 

The first part of the park was a quiet marsh, with fewer birds with the exception of a great blue heron and a few sparrows.
Great Blue Heron

This guy was stomping around in the mud by himself with a couple of mallard ducks- who were also noisily mucking around for snails and what-not. Anyway this is our first sighting of the American Avocet.

Tromp Tromp

The main trail leads down to an area of salt-ponds, which are apparently still functional. Its an interesting juxtaposition of an industrial backdrop with a myriad of waterfowl. This place had some serious bird density. There were very large flocks of sandpipers, ducks and egrets. The park has a nice long trail leading around the salt pond, although it is somewhat muddy.

At the main salt ponds, we also so these Black-necked Stilts. They have beautiful red legs and black coloration that makes them look like they are wearing a cape.

Black-necked Stilts

Also the stilts look super cute when they fly, because they bob their long red legs up and down behind them.
Black-necked Stilts in the air

I think that these are Black Legged Kittiwakes! I did not see their legs but apparently they get that cute little cheek polka dot during the winter.
kittee-wa-aaake, kitte-wa-aaake

There were hundreds of these Northern Shovelers. They have pretty wide beaks compared to other ducks

Sanderlings are pretty ubiquitous but always cute. You can't tell from this photo but they are super duper itsy bitsy little birds, who run around really fast.
Who is that pretty birdy?
Or is he a sandpiper? I get them mixed up.

 A second trail leads around a small hill, which has more grass dwelling birds. However, I did not see very many birds here except for a Black Phoebe (who was sitting pretty and preening). Flycatchers are my all-time favorite birds because on their look out for small insects to catch, they always manage to pose prettily on fence posts or trees.

le poof!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Birding at Golden Gate Park

 Even in the heart of San Francisco we can still find great birds living at Stow Lake. Stow Lake is a great place for walks, picnics, and my favorite place for running because of the dirt paths. But whenever we visit, we always see an abundance of birds drawn to the tourists who (for better or for worse) are constantly feeding them bread. I finally made it out to Stow Lake with my camera, a few weekends ago. The birds are used to people and easy to photograph.

Pied-billed Grebe

 A very photogenic American Coot. They have adorable chicken feet. There are an abundance of these guys at the lake and occasionally waddling onto shore. They make a variety of different croaking and squawking noises. Apparently, they also look really crazy as chicks, with spiky orange feathers, and were hatching in the park. I will have to look out for them in the spring-time!


There are lots of other water-fowl at the park, including many Mallard ducks. Because there are plenty of pine trees and scrub grasses, there are also many sparrows. One of my favorite birds in the park is the  photogenic and noisy Steller's Jay. Like crows and other corvids, they aren't especially shy but somehow I always find them when I don't have my camera. I had to follow this little guy around a bit to even get a photograph. They are as beautiful as they are raucous birds.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Ocean Beach- San Francisco

One afternoon we took the N-judah down to Ocean Beach for coffee and a walk. To our surprise, there were tons of birds roosting on the beach in  huge flocks.
 I think we were lucky to see so many beautiful terns on their beak. I couldn't decide whether these are Elegant or Caspian terns at first, but then after looking it up in my trusty birding books it seems that the Caspian terns shouldn't be as far north as San Francisco. Anyway there were hundreds of them sitting and squawking up a ruckus.
Some seriously crazy hair-dos going on here

 They had some sandpiper friends (Marbled Godwits)

scooping up snails

slurp, slurp

There were huge flocks of gulls, and so many balls of fluff.

Anyway it was a beautiful and chilly day in San Francisco!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Bodega Bay- The Birds

We went to Bodega Bay for the anniversary of the The Birds, 50th anniversary. Well..actually, that was a complete but wonderfully appropriate coincidence. Since we were camping a little way from the town, we didn't participate in any of the Hitchcock inspired activities.

It was a chilly September weekend, but not too foggy. We headed out to Doran beach.

 I love how chickadees hang upside down to get at whatever seeds and nuts they want to eat. They are such bright little birds.

Chestnut backed Chickadee
 The chickadees had plenty of goldfinch friends chirping alongside them in the pine trees.
"Why hello, would you like a pine-nut?"

Lots of sandpipers were roaming around the beach.
Marbled Godwit strolling along the beach
Off to do some serious birdy business
Obviously in a place like Bodega bay there are also non-feathered friends at the beach and trail.
A serious snail

Harbor seal just popping up


Right down the road from the campground, we witnessed one of my favorite moments from this trip. A flock of blackbirds flew by a barnyard with some beautiful horses, which was nicely framed by the fog. Unfortunately I only got a few passing photos from the car (passenger seat!)